Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Miss Li: Infectious Swedish Pop

New (…kinda) Artist Alert!!!

Apple has done it again! The user-friendly company has repeatedly catapulted virtually unknown artists into the spotlight every time they release a new commercial. I’m not sure how they find such wonderful artists, but one thing’s for sure: that must be a sweet job.

The newest artist flung to fame by way of Apple is Miss Li. Appearing in the new Ipod Nano 5G commercial, her candy-coated brand of pop is infectious to the ear and diverse in style. The song featured in the commercial is named "Bourgeois Shangri-La" and it is guaranteed to get your feet a-tappin'.

Important things to know about Miss Li: She hails from Sweden, her voice could be easily mistaken for Regina Spektor, and that her newest release Dancing the Whole Way Home is her 5th studio album to date.

I’ve done a bit of research into the rest of her catalogue, by no means comprehensive, and I believe I can say two things:

  1. If you are looking for an entire album matching the same intensity as “Bourgeois Shangri-La”, you will be slightly disappointed. The closest that the album gets to matching the energy of that song is the first track “I Heard of a Girl”. This is not to say that the album is not worth a listen, but I wanted to make it clear that “Bourgeois Shangri-La” stands out on the album as the catchiest tune. However, you can prove me wrong; decide for yourself.
  2. The other song from Dancing The Whole Way Home that I would recommend is the title track. Give it a listen.

Senior Asst. Editor

1 comment:

  1. Looove the song "Dancing the Whole Way Home" and the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsM3Mg7Ym4A is adorable. :)
