Friday, September 18, 2009

Billy Boy On Poison: Raw and Seductive Rebellion Rock (by Libby)

I have recently come to know a fantastic new band. It's been a while since I've come across a band that truly has a different feel to it than about fifteen other bands that are all popular at the moment, and . . . what a breath of fresh air.

Billy Boy On Poison is rock, but deserves a better classification that just that, I feel. Whatever it is, it's undeniably rock 'n' roll-- dirty rock 'n' roll, completely with all the angst that rock is supposed to be known for. It has a base almost Stones-esque,. . . but all feels harsher, rasher, and somehow naked-er; nothing feels toned down. Finally-- a band who shuns censorship, but whose final product isn't full of useless profanity and candy-licking sex metaphors. It's raw, and free from any sort of weak sugar-coating.

Billy Boy on Poison doesn't lie about emotions, which is what I found most seductive. They embrace all the emotions that people are taught to ignore, to never feel-- desperation, anger, lust . . . reminiscent of any sort of hot, out-of-control mess anyone has ever been. The end result is a gritty mix of of lyrical love, sex, bitterness, impatience, and raw rebellion-- all the things that our society (and your mother) likes to cover up with niceties.
Their CD "Drama Queen Junkie" is available now, but I can't afford it. Such is the life of a college student.

A list of all their songs said mother wouldn't want you to listen to:

"On My Way"- Sex.
"If it's love that you want from me/ No way!/ I'm just a boy with a melody/ There's no way I'll stay here all night."

"Angry Young Man"- Masochistic love.
"Baby, mess me up, and, honey, bring me down/ Wanna fall on through to the underground."

"Saturday's Child"- Teenage rebellion.
"Hey, you dyed your hair, you ripped your jeans, tattooed your ass/ What does that mean?/ Your parents just don't understand."

"Happy Valentine's Day"- The corruption and irony of religion.
"If Jesus was a sinner, then the devil is my friend . . . . You can walk the streets for a virgin/Or you can go to church for a whore."
"Standing Still"- Angst.
"Maybe I hate the taste of sugar/ Maybe I love rainy days/ Maybe I like to smell chloroform/ wake up and choke on the haze."

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