Friday, May 28, 2010

Interview with Joshua Schiffman

Jason Mraz and Jon McLaughlin had a musical love child. True story, little known fact. In my journeys through the musical Amazon I’ve fought perilous procrastination, pits of uninspiring quicksand, and followed the customs of the MySpace tribe in my quest for this mythical love child. And at long last I’ve found the magic to be true and alive, in the voice and heart of Tennessee based singer Joshua Schiffman.

First, the most basic question. What genre(s) do you consider your music?

Pop/ rock

Why are you pursuing a career in music?

I've never felt more at home than on stage

Do you write your own lyrics and/or music?

I co-write with my incredible producer, Josiah Rosen

How long have you been performing professionally? And before that, how were you involved in music (school, church, etc)?

Ever since I can remember, I've been performing for whoever would be willing enough to be an audience. You'd be surprised how a conversation can turn into a performance, haha. I actually think it was a musical in high school that first got me singing from the stage. I’ve been pursuing performing as a career for 7 years or so.

Who are your greatest musical influences?

Writers and authors of love songs and fairytales

If you had to describe your sound in three random, non-musical words what would they be?

Romantic, passionate, inspirational

If I were to steal your iPod right now, would I find any embarrassing songs?

I definitely have the Moulin Rouge soundtrack.

What is your most memorable live concert experience, for better or worse?

Counting crows was the most amazing show I’ve ever been to. The way Adam Duritz expresses each story in every song is incredible. I listened in awe of how willing he was to share his heart.

I was listening your tracks on MySpace and I’m head over heels for One Last Wish. What inspired this beautiful song?

A few months ago, I was feeling completely hopeless, let down, and lost. Promises that were made had fallen through, and those broken promises eventually led to the end of a close music business relationship. That relationship was closely tied to the reason for me moving to Nashville, and my mind constantly flooded with discouragement. I had to make a decision to embrace the challenges, act on my faith, and continue forward in pursuit of my dreams. After making up in my mind to ignore my feelings and trust my heart, greater things than ever before began to fall into place in perfect timing. Through this situation, I thought about all the people that have "grown up" and lost site of their dreams because of difficulties and set backs in life. I believe that no matter where you're at in life, you can still accomplish your dreams.

Many acts are known to have nicknames for their most loyal fans. If you had to nickname your dedicated following, what would you call them?

I think the perfect name might just be, "my favorites"

If you weren’t making music what would you be doing?

You know, I’ve stopped asking myself that question. It's too distracting.

In the past few years, there’s been a rise in bands using social media and networking to reach out to potential fans and producers. How has the glory of technology aided you in your quest for musical fame?

It’s been great! Every website has been a great avenue to promote. The more I put myself out there, the more potential I have in becoming heard.

What is the biggest risk you’ve undertaken to help advance yourself in the music industry?

Leaving the place of security-- chiropractic college in Atlanta-- and moving to Nashville.

What is the best bit of advice anyone has ever given you?

I've been given so much great advice from my parents, family, and friends; it's really hard to just pick one. I think my favorite most recent advice is that, "There is nobody that can stop you from reaching your dreams but yourself." - Steve Munsey

Do you have any advice for all the other up-and-coming local scene acts?

Write out your goals, visualize your dreams, and speak positive words

And any responses to those who tried to hold you back, or said you couldn’t do it?

I forgive you.

Your EP “Where Dreamers Go” was released on February 2nd of this year. So far what has the overall feedback been for your first effort?

Thankfully, it's been really great!

Fast forward five years. What will you be doing?

Touring arenas

Rewind back to now. Where will be seeing next?

I’ll be playing with the bands "Starlume" and "The Future" at 12th and Porter on Friday night, May 21st.

To experience the greatness for yourself head over to :)


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