Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Surprisingly Listenable Playlist (by Evan)

Dear Moxie Readers,

It looks as though I've been suckered into creating a playlist for you people. I only like quality music, so you should enjoy it (provided you enjoy quality music).

1. Lights Out - Santigold

A surprising add for me, I must admit, but the wicked cool video and catchy chorus caught my attention. You may have heard this song on the new Budweiser Lime commercials.

2. Lover in the Snow - Rivers Cuomo

Ah yes, a simple rock song from the prolific Rivers. You may know him best as the lead singer from Weezer. This song is off his album Alone - The Home Recordings of Rivers Cuomo, an album he recorded at home while he was . . . well, who knows what he was doing . . . Anyways, it's simple and catchy and the rough guitar just reeks of angst.

3. Variation On Commemorative Transfiguration and Communion at Magruder Park - Sufjan Stevens

No one can drag out a title like Sufjan. This song is a beautiful tribute to John Fahey, a prolific guitarist. WARNING there is HYMN content! So all atheists are strongly advised to plug their ears and hum loudly. My favorite part is the third theme.

4. Head Over Heels (In This Life) - Switchfoot

A great Switchfoot song; not much more I can say here.

5. Walk Away - Ben Harper

Ahhhh, such a great song. Filled with an abundance of adages and aphorisms. "And it's so hard to do and so easy to say, but sometimes - sometimes, you just have to walk away." Ben Harper's rusty voice combined with the sound of gently plucked guitar strings always makes for an incredibly calming and dynamic atmosphere.

6. This Modern Love - Bloc Party

A wonderful ballad that is done in a style that only Bloc Party could achieve.

7. Lakes of Canada - Innocence Mission (Sufjan Stevens)

This is a beautiful song that I have only recently discovered. The original is good, but I personally prefer Sufjan's cover on the roof of Cincinnati's Memorial Hall (which I have linked you to).

8. Wake Up - The Ditty Bops

I don't think you could fit more clichés into a song if you tried.

9. 20 Years of Snow - Regina Spektor

This song is trippy beyond belief, but oh-so-good. I love the piano during the line "he's a dying breed."

10. On Ice - Chris Thile

This song is from one of Chris Thile's (mandolin extraordinaire of Nickel Creek) solo albums Deceiver. In this song we get the treat of hearing what a distorted electric mandolin sounds like (or so I want to believe).

11. There There - Radiohead

Very Radiohead, my favorite part is the "there's someone on your shoulder," line; it makes me smile.

So there you have it, I didn't really pay any attention to see if the songs would sound coherent together . . . but you can't have everything, can you?

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