Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer Mix Must-Haves (by Eryn)

These songs just reek of summer to me, I can't listen to them and NOT think about warm air and sun on my skin. I tried to mix together some upbeat songs worthy of dancing to, to chilling by the bonfire music. Honestly, I cannot imagine a summer mix that does not contain at least one of these songs.

1. Camera Obscura- French Navy [Such a fun and playful song, it has a bit of that vintage flavor you can expect from Camera Obscura. Doesn't it just make you want to put on a skirt and huge brightly colored sunglasses and ride your bike? Or is it just me…]

2. Sigur Ros- Gobbledigook [Whenever I listen to Sigur Ros, it's almost a religious experience. It makes me want to run barefoot through a forest, do cartwheels, or watch the sun rise. Even though you can't tell what they're saying, the beat of the drums in the background is almost language unto itself.]

3. Broken Social Scene- Anthems for a Seventeen-Year-Old Girl [The slow crescendo of this song is strangely mimetic of how summer is, it usually starts slow, then grows into something truly amazing. There just are no words to describe how the blend of sounds in this song, the banjo music, violin chords, and layered singing work together.]

4. MGMT- Kids [I have a slight obsession with this song, I just can't get the electronic vibe out of my head! This is awesome driving music, I can attest to that, it makes you want to dance in your seat and tap the wheel.]

5. Animal Collective- Fireworks [A few friends of mine saw this song live and claimed it changed their lives. I think you could have a similar experience simply driving along with the windows down and this blasting on your stereo.]

6. Bon Iver- Skinny Love [Bon Iver holds a special place in my heart because he wrote his music while in Wisconsin. His music is beautiful, and this acoustic song is perfect for a cool slow evening around a bonfire. I dunno, I guess I'm just a sucker for a man with a banjo.]

7. Dirty Projectors/David Byrne-Knotty Pine [This track off of Dark Was the Night makes me smile. Perfect dancing music, it has such an upbeat sound to it, it is perfect.]

8. Death Cab for Cutie-No Sunlight [I have been a fan of Death Cab ever since I saw them at Summerfest when I was 15, and their new album just makes me love them more. This song may have kind of depressing lyrics, but the music is just so pretty.]

9. She and Him- You Really Got a Hold on Me [Oh summer lovin'… This song by Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward breaks your heart while capturing at the same time. It is so simplistic, and the combination of their voices is just lovely.]

10. My Brightest Diamond- Be My Husband [Shara has a beautiful voice, on the verge of bluesy. Just watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZZzta8YsLo&feature=related and be prepared to surf youtube all day perusing all the wonderous music found there.]

11. Rocky Votolato- White Daisy Passing [I have fallen in love with this musician, he's like a mix of the Shins, Bon Iver, and has the most beautiful lyrics I've ever heard. This would be the perfect music to watch clouds to. Back to the grass, looking up at a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. Mmmm excellence.]

As an added bonus, here's a link to my friend's band homepage. He is an amazing pianist and songwriter. Check them out! http://www.imnotapilot.com/

1 comment:

  1. I've recently got into Death Cab as well. I just downloaded No Sunlight and it's really catchy. I like it. (I dance to it at work)
