Tuesday, January 4, 2011

In Which We Discuss That Song From the Red Riding Hood Movie Trailer

Whatever your thoughts on the movie itself, I'm sure at least some of you were as curious as I was about the song featured in the trailer for the upcoming film Red Riding Hood (yes, the one with the chick from Mamma Mia! and the guy who played Sirius Black, directed by the woman who did Twilight). To be honest, I'm not sure why they're hyping the whole "from the director of Twilight" bit, since I'd think that'd actually be a turn-off for many people . . . but I digress.

The mesmerizing song used in the trailer, full of high-pitched, wolf-like yelps worthy of Karen O, is a new track from Fever Ray, a Swedish band which is actually just the solo project of Karin Dreijer Andersson. You can check out her site here: http://feverray.com/

The track itself probably won't be released until the film itself comes out in March, but you can hear a preview of it towards the end of the trailer:

Maybe this movie won't be anything like the Twilight movies. And maybe it will follow the trend of having a surprisingly wonderful soundtrack. One can only hope.
