I love finding awesome female vocalists (remember the Kate Linne interview?). But I’m not picky when it comes to genre. Be they pop, rock, metal, and everything in between, if they can rock the stage that’s all that matters. Recently I’ve stumbled across an awesome UK outfit known as Kenelis. Genre-wise they’re an amalgamation of energetic punk, outrageous experimental, and harsh grunge. But to be honest this is one of those rare occasions where I am not going to be a genre-Nazi. Why? These guys just plain ROCK. Don’t believe me? Fine, read for yourselves!
First things first, what genre do you consider your music?
Rock, and all the various genres under its umbrella. We’re a bit grunge, a bit punk, a bit experimental but all definitely ROCK!
What bands are you usually compared to by fans, magazines, the radio stations, etc?
We’ve been very lucky so far to have been compared to bands that are phenomenal. We’ve had comparisons to Placebo, Radiohead, Biffy Clyro, Hole & Skunk Anansie.
Tell us about the other members of the band, who they are and what they play.
Andy S and James play guitars, Andy H on bass and Oli on drums. They seriously rock.

A person’s home plays a huge role in shaping who they are and what they do. How has coming from England shaped you as a musician?
Well we are very lucky that we come from a country of musical legends, so whilst rock music isn’t as big here as it is in America, we’ve got some great bands to be influenced by. England is also a very liberal country so there is a lot of artist freedom. On the downside, work here is very demanding, stressful and fast paced but this is something that is reflected and vented in our music, especially in the new album.
How did you come up with the name Kenelis?
Kenelis is an alternative spelling of a flower, that will grow and survive in harsh weather conditions. Hey we live in England remember! Our weather is HARSH. But yeah, I really like that analogy for a band name.
You’ve had your fair share of gigs across the UK. Will we be seeing you in North America anytime soon?
I think an American tour is definitely on the cards for next year. We’re often kindly told “hey, you’re music could be HUGE in America”, so we’re going to give it a go! I can safely speak for the band that it would be the highlight of our career so far.
What’s the craziest concert experience you’ve had?
Craziest concert experience? Hmm.... probably London Pride, for the outstanding crowd reaction that we had. It wasn’t the longest set and they wern’t even all rock fans. I think we converted a few though. People that aren't into rock only know what’s in the mainstream, so their knowledge is very limited. We converted a fair few that day. I love converting people!

Who are your musical and personal influences?
Our influences range from 90’s – today. As there’s 5 of us I’ll give you each band member’s top two, which I have to say was really hard! Me: Biffy Clyro, Hole - Andy S: Radiohead & Placebo – Andy H: Stone Roses & Radiohead – James: Sound Garden & Radiohead - Oli: Every time I die, Kings of Leon.
When you’re not on stage or in the studio where would we find you?
If we’re not on stage or in the studio, we’re either at work or running our own label. There’s not enough hours in the day but we’re progressing well as a band, so we’ll just keep on going until we break through. I think the most amount of time any of us get to chill out is between the soundcheck and the performance when we do a gig!
If you had to describe Kenelis in three non-musical words what would they be?
Passionate. Honest. Fearless.

Who is the primary songwriter in the band and where does the majority of the inspiration come from?
We write the songs together. We usually form the music first, then the vocal melody. Andy S or James might have a guitar riff idea, Andy H might have a meaty bass riff, Oli with an alternative drum beat, me with an acoustic or keyboard melody, it varies to be honest, but very equal. Our songs are usually one unfinished song split up into 4 new ones. We drop anything that isn’t working but always keep the good bits!
If you weren’t making music what would you be doing?
Oh I will always be making music! Same with the band, we are musicians, it’s in our blood. Whether anyone still wants to listen is irrelevant! I was banging pens on books as soon as I could hold a pen. I’m not a great drummer but I wanted to make noise immediately. We do this because we love music so if we get the opportunity to give up our day jobs and live on nothing for a year, we will do it. Getting paid to do something you love is anyone’s dream job. This is ours. Money is evil and I hate how necessary it is to live. Saying that I’d much rather make music and be rich obviously. Anyone that says otherwise is soooo lying!

We’re very fortunate to live in such a technologically advanced age; without the resources you and I have we wouldn’t even be able to communicate and put together an interview. If you didn’t have the internet how would you promote your music and network with fans?
We’d have to do it the 90’s way with lots of paper and envelopes. The new way is not only much kinder to tree’s, but SO much quicker! We are lucky to be able to self release a record, and have the tools to generate 70,000+ fans on myspace. We can reach the whole world online! The only downside is that it’s harder because the market is so saturated. You’ve got to be the ones that stand out and give people a reason why they should want to be loyal to you over the other millions of bands out there. In the 90’s you’d buy a record, then buy everything from that band and listen to it so many times you not only know every lyric, but every beat, every riff and on live recordings, every imperfection, which is something new so you love that too. It’s not like that as much now, which is a shame really.
Some bands have pre-show rituals that they do to ensure good luck or calm their nerves (Britney Spears walks on water, or so I’ve read). Do you guys have anything like that?
I want to say something cool here but if I’m honest, we just want to make sure everything is ready to go, and that our stomachs are full of chicken. Except Andy S, he eats beanburgers and vegetables. Saying that, the last time we ate there was a hardcore girl-fight right outside the window. So entertainment is always a plus, nothing like seeing two girls shove each other into tables to make you feel everything is going to be ok. Ps. The day Britney walks on water I’d imagine is the day she actually sings live!

What’s the most enjoyable part of playing live?
Being in the music and feeling everything. The sounds, the audience reactions, the stage vibrations, nothing beats this. When it’s good it’s better than any drug, any food, anything. When you spend hours recording and practising, to feel an immediate crowd reaction is amazing. It’s like everyone in the room is a musical collective, through the music and performance you give. It’s f***ing great.
If you could open up for any band (just one!) who would it be and why?
OK I spoke to the boys about this as it’s hard to have a collective definite decision for just one. But I think we all agree Biffy Clyro are one of the best current bands in the world, and if not our individual favourites, up there in the top 3. Mon the Biffy!
What are some differences between the music industry in the UK and the US that you know of? Do these differences give you an edge or a setback?
Rock is definitely bigger in the states. Our charts are very pop dominated, which is fine but harder to make a living out of. Our music scene here is all about the known bands so if you wanna play established venues you’re expected to buy 60+ tickets up front and sell to your fans. If you wanna support a known band you’d be expected to pay £3-10k and hope to make some money up selling merch. You guys so have it better! Get us over there!!

Where do you see yourselves in five years?
Recording our 4th Album and world tour!
What are your next big plans for Kenelis?
We’re currently doing a UK tour this summer and finishing our second album, which I’m so so SO convinced is mind-blowingly good enough to launch us. Watch out, we’re coming for you!!!
Ps. Download a free track from our 1st album on www.kenelis.com which will soon be replaced with a new album track so do it now so you can get both for free! x
If you’re interested in checking out their website (which you definitely should be) you can find all of their music there, along with concert dates, merch, and exclusive blog updates. Enjoy guys! http://www.kenelis.com/home.cfm
PS- Review on the way! I just moved and getting my internet situated has been…difficult, to use PG words. But I plan to get back on schedule right away!