"The video for Death Cab for Cutie's 'Meet Me on the Equinox' from The Twilight Saga: New Moon soundtrack will be premiering Wednesday, October 7th at 8PM on MTV. The video was directed by Walter Robot and includes footage from the upcoming New Moon film. A preview of the video debuting tomorrow can be seen at the New Moon soundtrack website."
You heard right: Death Cab for Cutie recorded a song for the next Twilight movie. Now, some fans of DCFC are quite upset at what they see as lead-singer Ben Gibbard "selling out". I, personally, am not a huge fan of the Twilight movies,
however, I really enjoyed (and purchased) the first soundtrack, which included excellent songs such as
"Eyes on Fire" by Blue Foundation,
"Supermassive Black Hole" by Muse, and
"Full Moon" by The Black Ghosts. Whether I like the movies or not, I have to admit that for some of these artists, the publicity of having their work featured on such an insanely popular album is well worth the imagined stigma surrounding "going mainstream". Fans may have to put up with a few more pre-teen Twilight enthusiasts at DCFC concerts, but isn't the whole point of music that people
listen to it? I fail to see how more people listening to DCFC could possibly be a bad thing.
I'm super-excited to see the music video premiere tonight, because
"Meet Me on the Equinox" is my current favorite Death Cab for Cutie song. Well, that and
"The Sound of Settling".
Who else is going to be on the
New Moon soundtrack? Here's the official list:
1. Death Cab For Cutie – Meet Me On The Equinox 2. Band Of Skulls – Friends 3. Thom Yorke – Hearing Damage4. Lykke Li – Possibility 5. The Killers – A White Demon Love Song 6. Anya Marina – Satellite Heart 7. Muse – I Belong To You (New Moon Remix) 8. Bon Iver & St. Vincent – Rosyln 9. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Done All Wrong 10. Hurricane Bells – Monsters 11. Sea Wolf – The Violet Hour 12. OK Go – Shooting The Moon 13. Grizzly Bear (with Victoria Legrand) – Slow Life 14. Editors – No Sound But The Wind 15. Alexandre Desplat – New Moon (The Meadow)